Saturday, June 6, 2009

Palm Pre is released!

The Palm Pre went on sale today. A few people lined up at a Sprint Store around the corner of my house. Apparently they only had 5 in stock so about another 5 walked home disappointed. There was a Pre launch event last night in NYC, only open to a select few, but there was still a line of people outside the NY Flatiron Building store. Engadget reports that this store had 100 Pre's, so they were able to supply the line. There are reports that Best Buy is making appointments for those waiting in line for Pre's at their stores. This means that people in line were given tickets (if they were to get the Pre) and they had to come back to pick up their phone at the given time. The odd thing about this is that the Pre's stock supply is BETTER than the Touchstone chargers. Engadget is also reporting that many stores have lots of Pre's but sold out Touchstones.

Hit up the Engadget link for some more info on the launch.

[Via Engadget]